Print Article: KA-03303

How do I create a link (web address) that will display all of my PubMed citations (and only my citations)?

The My NCBI tool allows you to (1) create your own bibliography and (2) make it public.

To create your bibliography that contains all of your PubMed citations:

  • Search PubMed with your last name and initial (see also tips on searching).
  • On the results page, select the citations (use the check boxes located by the titles) for the papers that you authored.
  • Use the Send to link (located top right above the results) and select My Bibliography.
  • (If you are not logged in to NCBI and/or you do not have a NCBI account you will be prompted to do so.)
  • Progress in My NCBI to Save the records in your Bibliography.

To make your Bibliography public:

  • Access My Bibliography within the My NCBI tool.
  • Navigate to settings and change the settings from Private to Public (there is also a quick located above the citations in My Bibliography that serves the same purpose).
  • (You can also select which citations to make public in My Bibliography. Select the citations you wish to make public using the check-boxes. Then, click Manage citations and select Set to public.)
  • This will generate a link (Direct URL) that you can share with your colleagues or post on a web site.