I have published under different author names. Can you link all of my articles?
In the PubMed database, author names are entered and retrieved as they appear in the original publication. There is no mechanism for linking publications by various versions of an author name. For the most comprehensive retrieval, search for each complete name. For example, to find an author with the name klein-bertrand c, you would have to enter klein bertrand c, with or without the hyphen. If the author had previously published under the last name klein, you would run a separate search for klein c.
We recommend that authors register for a free unique identifier, for example, at https://orcid.org/. PubMed accepts ORCIDs when they are submitted by the publisher and this can help you link your publications to one unique identifier.
You can also use My NCBI's "My Bibliography" feature to create a bibliography of your publications to share with others. For more information, see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53595/.