If you have encountered a problem with BLAST+ (stand-alone BLAST ® applications), you may first want to:
If the above does not help, please write to us at: blast-help@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Ideally, we would like to receive detailed information that will allow us to reproduce and investigate the problem. The items that we need are:
1. Summary: a brief, but specific description of the problem (for example, use "blastn crash with outfmt 7" instead of "blastn crashes")
2. Version of BLAST: This can be obtained by running any BLAST+ application with the -version-full argument:
$ blastn -version-full
blastn: 2.15.0+
Package: blast 2.15.0, build Oct 19 2023 15:45:46
Build-Signature: GCC_730-ReleaseMT64--x86_64-unknown-linux3.10.0-gnu2.17-coremake22
GI-64bit: TRUE
Build-Date: Oct 19 2023 16:29:50
Revision: 674175
Subversion-Revision: 674175
Stable-Components-Version: 28
Development-Version: 20230606
Built-As: blastn
3. Details: Provide us with steps that we can follow to reproduce the problem, including command line arguments, inputs, and outputs. It would especially help us if you:
Examples of setting the DIAG_TRACE/DIAG_POST_LEVEL variables:
For bash or zsh shell
export DIAG_TRACE=1
export DIAG_POST_LEVEL=Trace
setenv DIAG_TRACE 1
setenv DIAG_POST_LEVEL Trace
4. System information:
For UNIX-like operating systems, use the output of the following command:
uname -a
ulimit -a
sysctl -a
For Windows operating systems:
Figure 1: The Run command.