You can change the originally requested release date for any processed (accessioned) GenBank or SRA records that are not yet public (still unreleased).
To request a release date change, please proceed depending on your data:
1. For standard GenBank submissions (records that you submitted through BankIt or a related tool and are not associated with any BioProject), write to . In your message, provide the new release date and the list of accession numbers to which it applies.
2. For assembled data that are not a part of the SRA/BioProject/BioSample release set, send your requests to:
3. For Sequence Read Archive (SRA) records, you can now (starting in February 2019) change the release date yourself on the web, using the My SRA Data page. To access the page, use the My SRA data link on the NCBI Submission Portal home page.
On the My SRA Data page:
For additional details on changing SRA release date see SRA documentation.
For information on the GenBank record release policy, refer to the Confidentiality passage on the GenBank home page.