Print Article: KA-05246

How do I submit manuscripts to NIHMS?

To submit a manuscript to PMC via NIHMS, you will first need to log in to NIHMS (see What login route should I select on the NIHMS homepage?  for login information). Once you are logged in, click the "Submit New Manuscript" button and follow the guidance provided in the interactive "walkthrough" (you may access this feature in the submission interface by clicking the icon on the right-hand side of the screen). 
The submission system will request the following:

1. Title

You are encouraged to populate the corresponding citation information from PubMed, a DOI search, or your My NCBI Bibliography. Alternatively, you may manually enter the journal and manuscript title information.

2. Funding

Select all appropriate funding mechanisms (i.e., grants, contracts, intramural support) from any of the participating funders that supported the work.

3. Files

Upload the manuscript material, including all figures, tables, videos, supplemental files, and so on, as applicable.

4. Reviewer and Release Delay (Embargo)

If you are an author on the paper or the principal investigator (PI) on a supporting award, indicate the time period the paper should be embargoed (1 to 12 months) before being made publicly available in PubMed Central (PMC) and agree to the Submission Statement. If there is no embargo period required by the publisher or your publication agreement, please select “Immediately” from the drop-down options and agree to the Submission Statement.

If you are not an author or PI, designate an author or PI (i.e., Reviewer) to review the material and send the submission to the Reviewer for approval (the Reviewer will receive an email inviting them to review the material).
An NIHMSID will be automatically assigned to the record once the Deposit Files step is complete.