
Journal Holdings Import/Export

Journals Holdings Import/Export

DOCLINE provides a way to download a list of your journal holdings and make batch changes.
  • The Export side of the page is where you can download a list of your current holdings.
  • It also provides the date and record of up to 5 previous export files under “Successfully completed exports.”
  • Note that these will only be available for the past 7 days, and you may delete them yourself at any time.
  • Pending Export files may take some time depending on the number of holdings.
  • And if you encounter any issues, they will be recorded under Export Errors.

  1. Choose Journals>Import/Export Holdings
  2. Click Build Export File
  3. Once the file has been created, we will be shown a “Success!” page saying your export file is ready or has been queued depending on the number of holdings.
  4. Click on Go back to holdings import/export dashboard button.
  5. Click on Download CSV at the top of the list. Queued exports will run within an hour.
  • This will download a comma-separated values (or CSV) file to your computer.
  • Information about your holdings include the record type, title, NLM Unique ID, volume and year range, and ISSN, among other data.
  • Batch changes can be made to this file for import into DOCLINE.
  • You can delete or add holdings under the Action column.
  • After making some updates, re-save the file.
Delete or Add
  • The Action column is where you specify the action required (e.g. Delete or Add).
  • You can indicate the changes to your Journal Holdings under the Action column to the left of the Holding value. You do not have to enter an Action for Range rows.
  • Each column field, if it does have data, must be formatted.
  • If the data in the cell doesn't match the requirements (for example, Dlt instead of Delete), your spreadsheet import will show you the error.
Edit Volume and Date Range
  • In order to edit a holding, you will first need to Delete then Add. This can be done by copying/inserting desired rows. First delete old holdings, then add the new updated holdings. If you don’t need to update something, you can leave the action blank.
  1. Choose Journals>Import/Export Holdings
  2. On the Import side of the dashboard, click Choose File to select our CSV file we just saved.
  3. Click on Import/Update Holdings with CSV.
  4. Once DOCLINE has imported your file, you should see a Success page.
  5. Click on Go back to holdings import/export dashboard button
  • Note that we have a new entry under “Successfully Completed Imports” that displays the date imported and allows you to download the CSV file again.
  • Import records are also kept for 7 days. Up to 5 uploads can be displayed and may be deleted manually at any time.
  • Pending Imports are currently being processed and will complete within an hour. This may show if you have a large number of holdings.
  • When you Import a CSV file and you get an “Import Failed” screen or the queued import file has failed, review the error message displayed. The row where the error occurred along with the cause of the error will be displayed.
  • Your spreadsheet must contain all of the original column headers as your Export File. If your spreadsheet does not contain these fields, or if Journal Holdings in your spreadsheet are missing these values, your spreadsheet will not import successfully.