The NLM Express R01 (PAR-13-300) is an NLM-specific funding opportunity announcement (FOA) inviting applications focused on NLM areas of research interests, and all applications are assigned to NLM. The NIH Parent R01 (PA-13-302) is an NIH-wide FOA and applications are assigned by the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) according to each Institute/Center’s research interests. In a cover letter accompanying your application you can request an appropriate Institute assignment for your application. There is also a difference in the budget and project period. NLM Express R01 allows for budget of up to $250,000 direct costs per year for up to 4 years. NIH Parent R01 allows for budget of up to $500,000 direct costs per year up to 5 years, without preapproval. For requests of more than $500,000 direct costs per year, you have to contact a program officer and get preapproval. Please note that in these times of budget cuts, NLM is unlikely to award more than a 4-year project period even if the application comes in on the NIH Parent.